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Tightening Eyelids with Lower Blepharoplasty Surgery

A blepharoplasty procedure, also referred to as an eyelid lift, is a procedure designed for trimming away drooping skin, tightening loose muscle, and adjusting/removing fat from your eyelids. Lower blepharoplasty is performed specifically for the improvement of the lower-eyelid contours. Why Blepharoplasty? One of the primary reasons for undergoing lower blepharoplasty surgery is droopy eyelids. […]

A Facial Fat Transfer with PRP

Fat transfer is a process where excess fat is removed from areas of your body like the thighs, hips, or buttocks, and then purified and injected into other areas for rejuvenation and cosmetic purposes. The process also goes by other names, such as fat grafting, fat injections, and autologous fat transfer. Skilled facial plastic surgeon […]

Blepharoplasty Incisions

Very frequently patient asked me about what incisions from blepharoplasty’s will look like. Will they leave visible scars? How long will it take to heal? Is the incision short or long? The answer to these questions essentially is the length of the incision must be such that it takes care of the excess skin at […]


In this young woman she had a case of long standing ptosis of the right eyelid that required an external approach and plication (shortening) of the levator aponeurosis. These ptosis correction surgeries can be challenging and have a higher revision rate than typical blepharoplasty cases. The healing process from these surgeries is similar to a […]

Skin Cancer Reconstruction Using a Tissue Flap

Did you know that skin cancer can be a life-threatening condition, particularly in the case of melanoma? There are two main kinds of skin cancer: melanoma and non-melanoma. Understanding Types of Skin Cancer It is possible for melanoma to develop within an existing mole or in the form of a dark spot. As a dark […]

Why Choose Non-Invasive Ultherapy Treatment?

Collagen is a protein that is found in your skin, muscles, tendons, and bones. It is the most abundant protein that is found in your body. It provides your skin with elasticity and strength. Unfortunately, as you age, the production of collagen in your body slows down. This will eventually lead to sagging skin and […]

Lose Those Wrinkles with Botox Injections

In recent times, the need to look younger has become all the rage. This need has driven them to seek solutions to aging in an attempt to slow down the process. Cosmetic procedures have been a huge blessing to such people, and one of the techniques that is commonly used is injection of Botox Cosmetic. […]

Convenient Hand Rejuvenation Options

Hand Rejuvenation For most people, hands display signs of aging much faster than any other body part. Even if their faces and skin look young, their hands can express clear telltale signs of their age. As people grow older, their hands develop winkles, become veiny, and get damaged from exposure to the sun. For people […]

Facial Contouring – San Jose Cosmetic Procedures

One of the defining trademarks of beauty is facial balance. For many of us, however, there are nuances to our appearance that can throw off our facial harmony. For those looking to achieve a more balanced appearance, there is facial contouring. Facial contouring is a cosmetic treatment that can help you achieve the look of your […]

Jaw Reduction with Botox or Dysport in San Jose

Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin are neurotoxins that reduce muscle contraction strength in the areas that they are injected such as the crow’s feet or frown lines which reduces the formation of lines. You can also take a square or round face and make it more oval or V-shaped using Botox or Dysport. Using Botox or […]