Why is Suture Technique Asian eyelid surgery so inconsistent?
Asian eyelid surgery is at times a complicated surgical procedure in which the details can matter a great deal. Suture Technique is advertised as a simplified version of this intricate procedure. Although this technique is a relatively simple procedure to perform, I believe it often falls short of patient and surgeon expectations. This is because patients are too often encouraged to take a short cut to their cosmetic goals. For one it can be less precise in the outcome and the longevity of the results varies. Most Suture Technique surgeries lasts only a year or more. Suture Technique is also sold to a patient as an easier approach with faster healing and no scar. Not true.
First of all, the interrupted small individual incisions used to place the sutures tend to be more visible than a full length incision. There is no such thing as no scarring and I feel the holes made for suture technique (or DST, or Scarless Technique, or Incisionless Technique, or Double-Twisting Technique, or Three-Hole Technique) are more noticeable than the scars for standard incision technique. I personally believe you can better design the shape and height of the crease, along with other goals the patient desires, with incision technique than you can with suture technique.
Now, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for Suture Technique. If you are young, have thinner skin, don’t wear contacts, and have a relatively flat brow region then you may be a good candidate for suture technique. I still use Suture Technique but only in a few selective cases and I find it works well when patient selection is made carefully.
Now keep in mind, either of these procedures are considered surgery so before you proceed with your decision, I always highly recommend many consultations before anyone does anything permanent to their face.
See you soon.
Chase Lay MD